
Top 6 Most Potent Shrooms

Top 6 Most Potent Shrooms The public interest in trying Magic Mushrooms for their benefits is increasing, with the advanced research and its positive results. People want to know about its active ingredient, Psilocybin, its strains, and most importantly, how they can...

The History of Psilocybin

The History of Psilocybin Psilocybin is a natural compound produced by more than 200 species of fungi. It belongs to the class of psychedelic drugs that are known to cause hallucination. Such drugs trigger non-ordinary states of consciousness. Members of the genus...

About Psychedelic Mushrooms

About Psychedelic Mushrooms People have discovered countless Mushrooms, and it still doesn’t seem to cover even half of the Mushrooms variety present in nature. All found mushrooms have unique properties, and one of the unique categories is that of a...

What is Mushroom Extracts?

What is Mushroom Extracts? The use of mushroom extract powder is a newer concept in the West than its primitive use in China and other Asian countries. The ancient use was mainly medicinal. If you are wondering about its rising popularity, here is a complete guide to...

11 Top Reasons to try Magic Mushrooms

11 Top Reasons to try Magic Mushrooms Magic Mushrooms have followed the lawmaking organizations and markets right after Cannabis. They are highly hallucinogenic mushrooms, also called shrooms and psychedelics, which are illicit in most parts of the world because of...

What are the Risks of Psychedelics?

What are the Risks of Psychedelics? We can’t consider anything 100% risk-free, but there is an enhanced chance of encountering risks in certain substances. Magic Mushrooms are one of them! Before jumping into the numerous dangers that one may experience with the...

Why is there Blue Spot on Magic Mushroom?

Why is there Blue Spot on Magic Mushroom? Magic Mushrooms come in various shapes, forms, and appearances. Plants science is related to animal science to a great extent. Bruising of either plant or animal will indicate some blatant change in function or chemical...

Can Magic Mushrooms Help me Quit Smoking?

Can Magic Mushrooms Help me Quit Smoking? Smoking is not as simple as it seems. It invites a lot of other issues that become irreversible in the long term. You may look at any chain smoker around you; you will find all of them with some complications. For example,...