11 Top Reasons to try Magic Mushrooms
Magic Mushrooms have followed the lawmaking organizations and markets right after Cannabis. They are highly hallucinogenic mushrooms, also called shrooms and psychedelics, which are illicit in most parts of the world because of their psychoactive nature. The psychedelic effects are based on the highly hallucinogenic agent in mushrooms, Psilocybin, that later turns into active Psilocin in human bodies to achieve desired results. It produces intense visual and auditory hallucinations that are devastating for bipolar patients. It is still categorized under Schedule 1 Drug, which explains that it is liable for misuse and drug abuse. Although Cannabis has been accepted as a medicine worldwide, i.e., FDA approved Cannabis-based Epidiolex as an effective medicine against Epilepsy, Shrooms have not achieved that status yet!
While everything seems wrong about these Shrooms, science and Shroom lovers have found a lot to tell why Magic Mushrooms should be tried once in life. Yes, it’s not all about hallucinations and out-of-the-world feelings. Magic Mushrooms interact with various systems inside the body to elicit some therapeutic effects; their effects are desirable for most of the population because of prevalent physical and psychological issues.
This article will overview the top reasons to try Magic Mushrooms at least once in your life!
Reason 1: Quit Smoking or Some other Addiction
Addiction to drugs or tobacco may destroy one’s life so that he doesn’t remain a functional and productive member of society anymore. There have been a lot of rehabilitation centres that take people out of the dark pit of drug abuse, but it usually returns, especially if a person himself is not willing to get rid of this curse!
Johns Hopkins University collaborated with The Beckley Foundation to conduct a study on psychedelic mushrooms’ effect in helping people get rid of addiction. Researchers in Alabama are also conducting trials to see the results of shrooms on cocaine addiction. The progress in all undergoing studies is strengthening the hypothesis that magic mushrooms have great potential to eradicate drug abuse.
Reason 2: Get off your ego
Have you got ego issues? A little ego is always fine, but there is a point at which people no longer bear your ego since ego beyond the limit is toxic. You can always take psychedelic mushrooms to get rid of these issues. They make you go into a phase of consciousness that will free you from these worldly issues and ego problems. This world is all about love, and psychedelics help you kick off the things that hinder love somehow.
Reason 3: Be More Creative
Whether you are an art school student or a housewife, you need to be creative at times. It gets challenging and messier if you have a mind block. Magic Mushrooms make you get connected to nature and hence, feel alive! It boosts creativity, and you end up smart-working like a pro.
Reason 4: Depression? No more!
Depression is one of the most prevalent mental health diseases throughout the world. Magic Mushrooms tend to make people feel happy and euphoric by interacting with the serotonin receptors. No need to worry anymore; psychedelics will take all the mess in your mind away!
Reason 5: Decreased Criminal and Violent Behavior
Criminal activities are usually rooted in aggression and dismay, while aggression comes from depression and trauma. As psychedelics mushroom take the depression away, one may feel relaxed and less agitated, and thus, the violent and criminal behaviours will decrease.
Reason 6: Decreased Temptation to Commit Suicide
Suicidal thoughts are among the top symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It is widespread among youth. Mental health organizations are trying their best to eradicate suicide, and Magic Mushrooms can help with their min-relaxing properties.
Reason 7: Broadening and openness of mind
Human beings are born with love and openness. They gradually close down to people because of their negative life experiences over time. You may have a hard time trusting, loving, or believing people after a traumatic experience; however, you can’t live to the fullest without opening up to the opportunities. Psychedelic mushrooms help you unwind and broaden your mind.
Reason 8: Positive Shifts in Personality
When you get rid of anxiety, depression, and negative approach, you already start giving away so much love and kindness. You become progressive, creative, and productive, thus, spreading an aura of happiness and positivity.
Reason 9: Cancer-related Distress
A research study observed the effect of Psilocybin on Cancer patients. People with life-threatening conditions often face severe depression. Psilocybin can reduce the likelihood of depression, thus improving their life quality.
Reason 10: Increased Focus
After the effects of Psilocybin wears off, a person is usually relaxed enough to focus well on daily tasks. It helps them wind up their duties efficiently.
Reason 11: Increased well-being and spiritual Connection
Magic Mushrooms connect you deeply to your spirit. Your spiritual capacities enhance, and you feel serenity within yourself through meditation. It enhances the overall well-being and thus helps you live life to the fullest.