Ultimate Guide for Psilocybin Tea

Psilocybin tea has been on the rise in recent years. Being one of the easiest methods of using magic mushrooms and the multitude of flavours that can be combined with it.
This article will cover everything you need to know about psilocybin tea, including its benefits, risks, and methods of preparation.
Benefits of Psilocybin Tea
1. Faster Onset of Effects:
Psilocybin tea is absorbed more quickly than other methods of consuming magic mushrooms, such as eating them raw or in capsules. This means that the effects can be felt more quickly, making it an ideal option for those who want a faster-acting experience.
2. More Controlled Dosage:
When brewing psilocybin tea, the dosage can be precisely measured, making it easier to control the strength of the experience. This is especially important for those who are new to magic mushrooms or want to have a milder experience.
3. Milder Taste:
Many people find the taste of raw or dried magic mushrooms to be unpleasant. Psilocybin tea can be flavored with honey, lemon, or other ingredients to make it more palatable.
4. Customizable:
Psilocybin tea can be customized to suit individual preferences. Different types of tea can be used, and additional ingredients can be added to enhance the flavor and experience.
5. Combating Treatment Resistant Depression
Studies have found that psilocybin has many benefits for the treatment of depression and anxiety. These studies showed that patients would feel calmer and that depressive symptoms were decreased in the second week of trials. Another study also found that psilocybin with LSD can be an effective treatment for depression and anxiety.
Risks of Psilocybin Tea
While psilocybin tea offers many benefits, there are also potential risks associated with its use. It’s important to understand these risks and take necessary precautions to avoid potential harm.
1. Accidental Overdose:
Accurately dosing psilocybin tea is critical to avoid taking too much. It is recommended to use pre-packaged tea bags to get an accurate dosage. Overdosing can lead to overwhelming effects, including anxiety, paranoia, and confusion.
2. Interactions With Other Substances:
Mixing psilocybin with other substances, such as alcohol or prescription medication, can be dangerous and increase the risk of adverse effects. It is not recommended to mix any psilocybin with other substances and best to stick to one or another.
3. Pre-existing Mental Health Conditions:
Although studies have found it quite rare, psilocybin can induce anxiety and paranoia, particularly in those with pre-existing mental health conditions. However, the benefits that it can provide greatly outweigh the potential risk.
It’s important to talk to a healthcare provider before using psilocybin tea if you have a history of mental health conditions.
Methods of Making Psilocybin Tea
There are several ways to make psilocybin tea, and the method you choose may depend on your personal preference and the tools you have available. Here are our favourite methods:
Required Materials:
- Your preferred strain of shrooms
- Cheese cloth, or coffee filter, or strainer
- Pot/pan of water
- Lemon Juice (optional)
- Honey (Optional)
1. Basic Psilocybin Tea:
To make basic psilocybin tea,
1. Add water to a pot/pan, then bring it up to a boil.
2. Once the water is boiling, add your mushrooms in (you may want to tear or cut up the mushrooms to better fit your pot/pan). The dried magic mushrooms are then boiled in water for 15-20 minutes.
3. After 15 – 20 minutes, the tea can be strained through a coffee filter or strainer into a container of your choice.
Optional: Additional flavours and ingredients can be added to enchance the flavour of the tea. I recommend adding honey, hibiscus, or vanila.
2. Lemon Tek:
Lemon Tek is a popular method of making psilocybin tea that enhances the effects and reduces the nausea associated with consuming raw magic mushrooms. Lemon-tekking will make the effects of the mushrooms stronger and the onset of effects will come quicker.
To Lemon Tek:
1. Grind up your mushrooms using either a cannabis grinder or a coffee grinder. Then transfer the powder into a cup.
2. Squeeze the lemon juice over the powdered mushrooms, letting it steep for 15 – 20 minutes.
3. This step is optional, using a cheese cloth or coffee filter, pour the mixture of lemon and mushrooms through it. Doing this will decrease the likelyhood of a nauseous reaction.
4. The mixture is then diluted with water and consumed. The temperature of the water depends on your prefences, as long as it is not boiling.
3. Psilocybin Tea Bags:
Another great option is to use tea bags filled with dried magic mushrooms. This is by far the easiest method to create psilocybin tea and highly recommended for beginners. This method allows for easy dosing and a milder taste.
Simply place the tea bags into hot water and let it steep for 10-15 minutes and then remove it.
Purchasing Psilocybin Tea Bags:
Psilocybin tea bags are available from Shroom Dudes in various flavours and amounts, such as Vanilla Spice Chai, Persimmon Peach, black current, and Elder Berry Hibiscus