
Getting Ready for Your First Magic Mushrooms Trip

Getting Ready for Your First Magic Mushrooms Trip People are mainly shifting their interests to Magic Mushrooms after their involvement in the drug industry. Furthermore, its decriminalization is also changing people’s perspectives toward it. However, we still...

Magic Mushroom Concentrates – Everything you need to know

Magic Mushroom Concentrates – Everything you need to know Concentrates are products that have more terpenes and cannabinoids than raw cannabis flowers. Concentrates have been popular for a long time. They started in ancient China and India. Concentrates...

Your Trip to Nature Alone on Magic Mushroom

Of course, taking part in the trip is an activity in itself. But here are some hints that would tickle your fancy: ♦     Explore: Go for a walk in the environment of your choice. Enjoy the scenery – find a different point of view. Follow a stream, smell...

Bonus Factors of Solo Tripping on Magic Mushroom

♦     Hydrate It’s a no-brainer, but hold yourself hydrated while you eat any thoughts-altering substance. This is because we are so distracted by the psychedelic journeys that we forget about nourishing ourselves until the end. This can bring about...

Magic Mushrooms: The Safest Recreational Drug

Many of the arguments against the decriminalization and legalization of magic mushrooms focus around the notion that they are unsafe, particularly when compared to marijuana which is far further down the line of legalization than any psychedelics are.  However, is...

Where Do Magic Mushrooms Grow?

Magic mushrooms, commonly known as shrooms, can be found in a number of different habitats and climates. You will probably be able to find some type of magic mushroom in your region, you simply need to know what to look out for. Let’s take a look. Magic mushrooms are...

Shrooms Vs LSD: How Do They Differ?

Many people often either confuse LSD and Shrooms, or simply believe that they are very similar. While both substances are great hallucinogens that can change what we are seeing and how we perceive that is going on around us, they are very different. The source of both...

Is it Safe to Combine Cannabis AND Magic Mushrooms?

There are no proven physiological risks of taking mushrooms and smoking weed at the same time. However, the main drawbacks will depend on your tolerance, the nature of your usage, and even your ethical stance. Mixing the two substances delves into the realm of abuse,...

How is it Like to Use Magic Mushrooms

We’ve covered the technical end, what magic mushrooms are, the chemical effect on the brain, and consumption methods, but we know that’s not really what you want to know. “What’s it like to trip mushrooms?” Glad you asked! The effects of magic mushrooms kick in 30...