
How to Trip Over Mushrooms in the Wild on Your Own

When spring is here. Clocks will change, small, hard buds will blossom into big, soft flowers – birds are getting dashing – and in many places, the Covid regulations we have endured for so long are loosening. It’s enough to make you want to pack a...

How to Trip Alone at Home on Shrooms

PLAY WITH CRAYONS, LEGOS, PUZZLES, CLAY, ANDSO FORTH If you’re going to be inside, you never recognize what you’re feeling for the time being. Sometimes, boredom hits you when you ride by yourself, and you’re in strange loops all at once. It’s...

How to Trip Alone on Shrooms

Tripping alone on Shrooms If you’ve never done so, tripping on shrooms or magic truffles by yourself can sound scary at first. It’s A different enjoy than tripping with pals. There are loads more inward wondering, and you are basically within the...