
How Long Does a Shroom Last?

How Long Does a Shroom Last? Shrooms are highly psychedelic and hallucinating in nature. People temporarily love the effects of freedom from reality and bad experiences, but it is very detrimental to one’s life if one stays for a long time. Therefore, it is...

Are Magic Mushrooms Legal in Canada?

Are Magic Mushrooms Legal in Canada? “Magic mushrooms” belong to the specie of hallucinogenic mushrooms because of the presence of Psilocybin and Psilocin. What we are supposed to perceive from hallucination is the sense of hearing, seeing, and feeling the...

Why do People Use Magic Mushrooms?

Why do People Use Magic Mushrooms? Magic mushrooms, also known as psychedelics or hallucinogens, have been in human use for centuries now. Despite being through many controversies, the passing time is only adding to its value and favouring evidence. Many countries...

How Safe is it to Combined Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms?

How Safe is it to Combined Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms? Cannabis and Magic Mushrooms are comparable because of their common effect of changing perceptions. Both give way out of the depressing and stressful thoughts, thus leading to a state of mental freedom. Doses of...

Benefits of Psilocybin Microdosing

Benefits of Psilocybin Microdosing Benefits of “Psilocybin Microdosing” When we talk about the effects of Magic Mushrooms or psychedelics, we are indicating the properties of their active ingredient “psilocybin.” Yes, you read it right! It is primarily the...

CBD Side Effects

CBD Side Effects Like magic mushrooms, which are considered the safest drug, CBD is usually thought to be safe, whether used on the skin or the body.  However, there are a few possible side effects to consider when taking CBD, most of which are minor.  CBD Common Side...

CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?

CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference? Just like anybody else, you must have been hearing a lot of information concerning marijuana and cannabis products. As several states continue to join the legalization bandwagon, it would help if you understand some of the...

What Problem Does CBD Solve?

What Problem Does CBD Solve? Natural medicine cannabidiol is well-known. It can be used to treat a wide range of ailments, from the most common to the most obscure. CBD, or cannabidiol, has become a popular treatment for a wide range of health issues. As more states...

Tell Me All I Need to Know about Psilocybin

Tell Me All I Need to Know about Psilocybin Psilocybin is a substance that one can consume for its hallucinogenic effects. The effect is present in some mushrooms, commonly known as shrooms, that grow in Mexico, the United States, South America, and Europe. Psilocybin...