
Magic Mushrooms as Medicine?

Further promise for magic mushrooms to be used medicinally comes in light of several studies showing great results for how they might be able to treat several illnesses and conditions such as Alzheimer’s, depression and addiction. The fact alone that this research is...

What to Watch Out for as a First Time Users of Magic Mushrooms

This may not be everyone’s favourite topic, but bad trips are possible and unfortunately, is something that many magic mushroom users experience at least once. While they are not a guarantee, it is important to get a proper understanding of them to better prepare...

Why do People Use Magic Mushrooms in Canada

There are several reasons behind magic mushroom usage, ranging from medical treatment to recreational tripping, and even spiritual journeys. The effects of psilocybin can vary greatly from user to user.  Those who go into a mushroom experience worry-free and with...

Magic Mushroom Drug can Reduce Anxiety and Depression

A 67-year-old woman living in Victoria, Canada, by the name of Mona Strelaeff reported being granted an exemption to the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, allowing her to consume magic mushrooms to treat her mental illness.  In an interview with ‘Vice’, Mona...

Mushrooms as Medicine?

The full spectrum and potential of magic mushrooms goes far beyond pretty colours and funny sounds. Non-profit research organisations across North America are consistently finding new breakthroughs in the realm of psychedelic therapy treatment.  Here is what...